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Easter of 2000 was the official launch date of the Vineyard Church in Waverly. Originally planted as "Vineyard Community Church" by a group of people connected to Heartland Vineyard Church in Cedar Falls, IA. The Vineyard moved into its current location in 2005. 

Current pastors Ben and Dani Dau were Wartburg Students at the time when the Vineyard was getting settled in its current location.  After an invitation to intern at the Vineyard in 2010, Ben was installed as the senior pastor in January 2012. Dani officially became co-pastor with Ben in 2019. 

Our church family has seen many transitions over 20 years. Changing the guard of leadership, a name change of the congregation, and many beloved friends coming and going as the seasons of life change. We know that the only guarantee in life is that it will constantly change, grow, and evolve. Our plan is to change, grow, and evolve together. 


ben and Dani Dau

We consider ourselves the "first" pastors of our congregation, in a servant leadership sense. We get to "go first" in serving, loving well, and staying humble and open. 

Dream Team

The Dream Team functions as our counsel. People who contribute their voices and perspectives for congregational oversight, pastoral accountability, and the vision for the Embassy.

business manager

Darin Gaede oversees the financial management of the Embassy.



The First Commandment. We were made to be loved by God. From the identity of being the beloved, we love

God in return. We can love God because God first loved us and empowers us to do so.


The Second Commandment. God fashioned us to need one another and multiply the love of God in human community. The way we love ourselves is inextricably connected to the way we love those around us.


The Great Commission. Following Jesus is an eternal adventure that begins now. Through the Scriptures, community, and life, we come to know the character of God and the tone of our Father's voice.


God cares deeply about every detail of our lives. We live with expectancy of Jesus having real solutions and power to heal relationships, minds, bodies, emotions, finances, and every dynamic of life. 

sensitivity to the spirit

We were never meant to do life alone. The Holy Spirit is our 24/7  indwelling helper, counselor, companion, comforter, and teacher. We live daily life with God.

Jesus taught His followers to pray "Our Father" so this means we are Family. We seek to "do family" rooted in Kingdom principles so we can be a life-giving expression of our Father's heart.


Core Values

name & Mission

An Embassy is sovereign territory in a foreign land. We seek for our space and community to be like our Father's home, a place of belonging, authentic being, and awareness of our Father's Presence. 

Our mission is to develop people, to partner with God in helping people become their truest, Christ-centered, selves.  At whatever point in their lives people join up with us, and for however long they stay with us, we want to be with them to support, encourage, and resource them as they move forward in their life's journey.  

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